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Social and Environmental Management

Social Performance

The Algar Institute

Our social investments are carried out through the Algar Institute, which gives guidelines and coordinates actions of the educational front (contributing to improving education in Brazil, with activities and training for students and teachers), the environmental front (engaging with us mobilizing and raising our awareness to continue implementing environmental initiatives) and fiscal incentives (by sponsoring projects made available under municipal, state and federal tax incentives).

Given the geographical expansion of our operations, we have also increased the extension of social projects to these regions, maintaining our commitment to invest in the communities where we are located. In 2018, around 380 educators from 115 schools in 30 cities received our support, benefiting 9,000 students.

In 2018, we directly invested R$2,165 million in educational, cultural and environmental projects. The choice of projects follows essentially strategic, geographical (related with those areas where we are) and financial criteria. The Institute puts forward and implements monitoring and indicators and diagnoses that help to demonstrate the social and environmental impact of the initiatives.

Click here to see more information about the programs and main achievements of the Institute.

Sustainable Development Goals
4 – Quality Education

We are a partner and maintainer of Algar Institute, focused on improving the education of communities in which the Algar group operates, directly contributing to the following goals:

  • Ensuring that all girls and boys complete primary and secondary education;
  • Ensuring equal access for all men and women to technical, professional and higher education;
  • Increase the number of young people and adults who have technical and professional skills, for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship;
  • Increasing the number of qualified teachers.

A successful case is the Talentos de Futuro (Talents of the Future) Project, which contributes to the purpose of Quality Education, to substantially increase the number of young people with relevant skills, including technical and professional skills, for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

In addition to generating opportunities, the project also prepares social organizations that have the desire and possibility to replicate the methodology and thus transform the lives of young students from 14 to 18 years of age from public high schools to promote the development of behavioral skills.

Sustainable Development Goals
13 – Climate Action

Also through the Instituto Algar we contribute with the SDG Climate Action promoting communication and awareness of sustainable themes for our network of relationship, especially for the community in which we are inserted.

To achieve the goal of improving education and raising awareness on mitigation, adaptation, reduction of impact and alerting on climate change, this is a subject present in the actions of Algar Institute, ensuring that all students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote a sustainable development.

Commitment to educational programs

We channel our social investment to educational programs, partnerships with public schools and education departments in the regions where we operate. We are present in 24 municipalities and eight states across Brazil, with the following programs:

Projects with tax incentives

We channel all resources from permitted fiscal incentives to projects in culture, healthcare, sport and support for children and adolescents in situations of social risk. For these sponsorships we have the support of the Corporate Tax Incentive Committee, which identifies and manages funds at municipal, state and federal level. In 2018, 59 projects were supported, totaling investments of R$11,156 million. Click here to learn more.

Bringing culture and art to small cities

We are proud to sponsor cultural projects, which bring classical music and films to cities that do not have spaces for artistic presentations and cinema – only about 10% of Brazilian municipalities have exhibition rooms. We take the Philharmonic Orchestra of Minas Gerais to cities with up to 40,000 inhabitants and we have the “Cine Família na Praça” (Open-air Movies for Families), a project that takes cinema in the open to municipalities with up to 20,000 inhabitants. In 2018, 23,600 people in the cities of Nova Serrana, Pará de Minas, Passos and Poços de Caldas were able to enjoy the sessions and presentations.
