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Our People

Attraction and Engagement

We maintain different work fronts – to attract, engage, and develop our employees – that include performance management programs such as profit sharing, incentive for internal drives, and meritocracy promotions. In 2018, the main actions were: Coaching and Mentoring Program; Executive Development Program; training in distribution channels; participation in Leaders who Teach Program; promotion to more complex functions; and international benchmarking with high-performance companies in the technology sector.

Our practices of recruitment and engagement have a direct impact on the turnover ratio, an indicator of the flow of admissions, departures and transfers, which measures our capacity to attract and retain engaged employees. In 2018, turnover was 14%, remaining stable in relation to 2017 and below that recorded by the market (20%, according to PwC data). See more about hiring and turnover rates in the Supplement to GRI Indicators.

Organizational Environment

The Organizational Environment Survey is an important tool to know the opinion of professionals. Throughout the year, we conducted quick consultations allowing managers to apply custom searches and track their departmental results, benchmarking tools with their own history and the market, and algorithms that identify the most relevant comments. Algar Telecom’s favorability index is 83% and the employees’ engagement reached 82% in the last survey conducted in 2017. In 2018, we operate at the least favorable points and, in 2019, we will make a new measurement to verify if the solutions adopted were efficient.

Professional Ascension

In 2018, around 47% of available vacancies were filled in-house, some of them by interns. We build a career path for all our employees, which may be linear (for management positions) or in Y-form, when there is promotion to non-management positions, for example as specialists in certain areas of expertise. We announce possibilities for promotion, and we give preference to in-house recruiting.

We assess performance annually and instruct leaders to provide frequent feedback, not just at times when results are announced. We have maintained, since 2017, the Performance Evaluation Process (PEP), which covers:

Leadership Development

We assessed the performance of executives based on the Nine Box method, which looks at the potential and performance of talents, giving a broad view of their skills and of the points that need to be worked on. Development plans and targets are set individually.

Sustainable Development Goals
5 – Gender Equality

With the commitment to promote communication to eradicate all types of prejudice and violence against women, Algar Telecom acts in the positive influence of its network of relationships and actively participates in the Algar Sem Barreiras Program. This program’s purpose is maximizing the promotion of diversity and fighting all types of discrimination, gender, ethnicity, LGBT, generations and people with disabilities. In 2018, studies and activities were carried out to promote gender equality as:

  • The commitment to increase the participation of women in positions of leadership and women’s presence in the company;
  • The woman’s life as it is – discussion boards and presentation of inspiring stories of company women in leadership positions;
  • Salary isonomy study, which showed that there is no gender discrepancy in the leadership positions of the organization;
  • Work models that favor the insertion of the post-maternity woman;
  • Distance learning path: Manager without Barriers to prepare leaders effectively to strengthen the work environment with respect to people and their coexistence, through practices that do not tolerate discrimination.

Remuneration and Benefits

We offer fair and merit-based remuneration, which covers a fixed and a variable portion, linked to the achievement of goals – specific purposes for each employee, defined according to their performance and aligned with Algar Telecom’s strategic planning – and profit sharing, as well as a benefit package aligned with market standards. The compensation policy is dealt with in collective bargaining agreements that cover 99% of our employees (only executives are not party to the agreement, since their compensation rules are set out in an internal policy).

Promoting Diversity

Seeking to maintain an atmosphere of respect and tolerance for differences – whether of gender, age, disability, race or sexual orientation -, we launched in 2018 the program Algar Sem Barreiras (Algar without Barriers). As part of the initiative, the Diversity Committee was created to ensure the maintenance of an environment without discrimination. We promoted workshops to raise awareness among employees about the theme and held three editions of the event “The Woman’s Life as It Is” to discuss issues related to women’s challenges; 100% of the members had access to the contents. We also did a series with five video classes for all top management on diversity in the corporate environment. Men and women have equal conditions and equal remuneration at Algar Telecom. The efficiency of the Algar sem Barreiras program was recognized by Guia Exame de Sustentabilidade (Exame Sustainability Guide) – see more in Awards and Acknowledgments.

Internship and Training for Young People

We want to make a difference for young people from the regions where we are. Aware of the importance of training and insertion in the professional market for undergraduates, we maintain a highly qualified internship program that offers real options for hiring young people after the program closes – depending on the availability of vacancies. We had 265 interns and young apprentices in 2018. The contracting rate is 60%, since the implementation of the program in 2018. In 2018, we also launched the Jovem Técnico (Young Technician) program, through which we trained 25 young people at the beginning of their career to work in the technical area of the Telecom segment – the first group’s performance rate was 75%.

Professional Degree

We provided training courses, discussion forums, workshops and meetings, both in the classroom and online learning – which enables teams working outside the office to have access.

UniAlgar: corporate university

Periodically, we carry out a survey of the development needs of our employees, which guides investments in initiatives such as in-person courses, online learning, discussion forums, workshops, meetings and information content generation. Training requirements are mainly filled by UniAlgar – the Algar Group’s Corporate University, which enhances the companies’ competitiveness through education.

We use innovative methods, control of educational content, interactive skills platforms, online learning, case studies and other tools to support the prosperity of our business and of our customers.

We have partnerships with universities such as the Dom Cabral Foundation, the Getulio Vargas Foundation and other institutions in the cities where we operate, enabling employees to attend courses related to their work with the financial support of the company (education allowances), provided that they are in line with our benefits policy.

In 2018, Algar Telecom provided 2,402 thousand hours of training, an average of 149 hours per member. There were 139 face-to-face courses and 1,663 online learning courses. The highlights were #SOUALGAR, employees’ integration program and Digital Journey, employees’ development program in the online learning modality. The presentations were: Customer’s Pulse – structured interface of customer leadership; Academy of Excellence – contact center training at Algar Telecom; People Management Workshop – training of all leaders on the Algar way of leading and sales methodology – training of the corporate sales force.

We privilege experiences to consolidate results, so we balance training with:
70% practice,
20% mentoring,
10% content.

Communication and engagement

We provide communication channels, such as the Talent Integration Program (Pint), the corporate intranet (Algarnet), an in-house social network via Facebook (Workplace), a weekly video program (TV Algar), news flashes on screens distributed across the company (Toda Hora), in-house news sheets (Fique por Dentro), live and remote meetings, a tool for chats among employees and the Falando de Resultados (Talking about Results) Program, a get-together for dialoging about strategy, objectives and results.
